One of the cornerstones of our Nutrition Next approach is evaluating the
🔸 'Lies We Tell Ourselves' 🔸
about why we eat as we do.
Think about it, by 30 years of age, most of your cornerstone "me" inner benchmarks have been established. These are the bullet points within which our inner monologue defines itself.
They are the quick-reference points that we, without thinking, respond to others (and internally to ourselves) as the 'I am".
"I am Smart"
"I am shy"
"I am spiritual"
"I am bad with food"
"No matter what i do, I will be heavy"
"I don't eat ____"
"I could never run a marathon"
How often do you stop this IMMEDIATE response...so ingrained in you, to benchmark lifestyle ideals? When was the last time you made yourself pause, even if just for a moment, to ask yourself "DO I STILL FEEL THIS WAY ABOUT MYSELF" ❓
We call them lies, not because ALL of our core defining benchmarks are wrong...but because we forget to evaluate them from time to time to decipher and meld and grow.
💯 Wisdom comes with self-reflection and LEARNING from life experiences💯
🔸 Those experiences in life COULD change how you define yourself...if you were only to stop and pull that subconscious thought FORWARD to the center of your brain and look hard at it. Many times your answer will be the same 'i am' as it was before. But sometimes things can change.
☑️For the girl who defined herself as 'not athletic'...after she is pressured to walk a charity 5K at work and finishes in a shorter time... is she still to define herself as such?
I would venture to suggest that most of us won't stop and think about it. That said girl will walk away from that LIFE EXPERIENCE still telling herself "I'm not athletic" when IN FACT she has made a STEP towards changing this in REAL LIFE.
Here at Nutrition Next, through nutrition counseling sessions, and your interest in looking at this topic, we will evaluate these inner benchmarks relative to your overall inner monologue of health. Through this, we can help you evaluate if you have roadblocks occurring subconsciously sabotaging your journey towards a healthier you!
Connect today for a FREE health history session to evaluate your potential for a new you!