Why a six month program?
Making a food lifestyle change takes time. It is the difference maker when it comes to FAD DIET versus long-term fundamental change. In our program we will work with you for six months, holding your hand and counseling you through breaking bad habits and reaching for better choices. We all know that changing the core of ourselves takes repetition and time to achieve. We are committed to teaching you how to do this, individually, so you may graduate our program armed with the tools to succeed on your own.
The Genus Approach to nutrition also requires time for incremental evaluation of your specific plan. After an extensive Health History interview and a week of observing your eating habits, the health coaches at Nutrition Next will put together a nutrition plan. We will launch the plan into action, with weekly evaluations of what is working and what is not.
Dynamic adjustment is a key factor in our 6 month program. We need to adjust our nutrition plan according to how it is working to attain your health and nutrition goals.
Education is key!
Now, does this seem like your typical FAD Diet?

Contact us today for a Free Nutrition Consultation